
WRC2025 Delegate Details/ WRC2025 参加者情報

Corporate 3rd Office, Kinki Nippon Tourist Co., Ltd.(KNT) has been appointed as the local secretariat who handles registration for the 20th World Rose Convention 2025 in Fukuyama (WRC2025).
Before commencing your registration online, you must read all the information on the Convention Website(link). The delegate details can be modified, but only the name, email address and the type of pass cannot be changed by you.
For registration inquiries, please contact the WRC2025 Registration Desk at wrc2025-regist@or.knt.co.jp.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be filled in.
HTML tag is available for Greek characters, symbols and special characters.
Registration Number and password are generated automatically.

第20回世界バラ会議福山大会の参加登録を近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社 法人第3支店が担当いたします。

Privacy Policy/ 個人情報取り扱い*

  • KNT processes personal information in accordance with the privacy policy.
  • KNT and commissioned companies shall use personal information entered in the registration form to contact the applicant and shall also use the information within the scope necessary for arranging and providing the applied services.
  • The copyright of official images and photographs covering the event and their usage rights in Mass Media belongs to the organizer.

Agreement for General Data Protection Regulation / EU personal data*

For EU / Iceland / Liechtenstein / Norway / United Kingdom residents, agreement is required for the “Processing of Personal Data of Customers in EU” before making online registration. Please download and read it carefully.
EU / アイスランド / リヒテンシュタイン / ノルウェー / 英国に居住の場合、オンライン登録を行う前に「EU 内の顧客の個人データの取扱」に同意をいただく必要があります。ダウンロード後ご一読ください。日本在住の方は「Not one of the above residents.(上記の居住者ではありません)」を選択ください。

WRC2025 Delegate Details/ WRC2025 参加者情報

Title* 敬称
only in English alphabet characters (Single-byte character) 名前 (ローマ字表記)
名前 (漢字)
日本の方はご入力ください。 Only for Japanese Nationality. 
日本の方はご入力ください。 Only for Japanese Nationality. 
Affiliation ご所属
Are you a member of any Rose Society?* ばら会に所属されていますか(日本ばら会以外を含む)
If yes, fill the name of the Rose Society. 所属ばら会名
Plan to attend to the Rose Expo (5/17-5/19)?* Rose Expoへの来場を希望しますか(5月17~19日開催) One Day Pass does not include admission to RoseExpo.
Email* Eメールアドレス

Please enter the same Email as above for confirmation.(Copy-paste not allowed)
ZIP (Postal) Code* 郵便番号
Address* 住所(市区町村名)
Country/Region* 国名
Other/ その他: 
Estimated arrival date in Fukuyama* 福山到着予定日
Will you use Hiroshima Airport? 広島空港をご利用の場合
If yes, flight No. /ご利用の場合のフライト番号: 
Arrive in Fukuyama福山市までの交通手段
Estimated arrival Time in Fukuyama 福山への到着時間
Estimated departure date from Fukuyama* 福山出発予定日
Phone Number* 電話番号
Please enter a Telephone No. with the country code which is reachable in your Japan stay.
Emergency Contact Name* 旅行中の緊急連絡先 氏名 Other than yourself/ ご本人以外
Emergency Contact Relationship* 旅行中の緊急連絡先 続柄 Other than yourself/ ご本人以外
Emergency Contact Telephone No.* 旅行中の緊急連絡先 電話番号
Please enter a Telephone No. with the country code which is reachable in your Japan stay.

Registration/ 参加登録

Please choose one of the following: Full Day Pass, One Day Pass, or Invitation Pass.
1. Full Day Pass フルデイパス
2. One Day Pass (5/20-24) ワンデイパス
Participation Date(s) 参加日 5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24
When you selected One Day Pass(s), select the participation date(s). ワンデイパスを選択した場合は,参加日をご選択ください。(日数分) 5/20: 
3. Invited Pass ご招待 If you have an invitation code, please check the box and enter the code.
Invitation Code ご招待コード

Social Event/ イベント

5/19 (Mon.) Opening Ceremony* 開会式
5/21 (Wed.) Fukuyama Street Dining* 交流会
By choosing One Day Pass you can attend Fukuyama Street Dining, but no benefit is included.
One Day Passをご選択の場合、交流会の参加は可能ですが特典はついておりません。
5/24 (Sat.) Farewell Dinner and Awards Presentation* 閉会式・フェアウェルディナー

Full Day Pass includes participarion fees of the Welcome Reception, Lunch Party. If you have selceted "Full Day Pass", no need to select here.
If you select the One Day Pass, you will be charged an additional fee to participate in the following events. If you wish to participate, please select “Attend”.


5/18 (Sun.) Welcome Reception 歓迎レセプション
5/19 (Mon.) Lunch Party 歓迎昼食会

Dietary Requirements/ 食事選択

Dietary Requirements食事選択

Payment/ 支払

Payment Method* 支払方法
Recipient name of payment receipt* 領収書の宛名

Remarks/ 備考欄

Cancellation Policy of registration fee and social events/ 参加登録料金・各種イベントの取消規定

Cancellation Charge 取消料 Before and on January 6 (Mon.), January 31 (Fri.), 2025 (15:00, JST)
2025年1月6日(月), 1月31日(金)15:00(日本時間)以前
Full refund
From January 6 (Mon.), January 31 (Fri.), 2025 (15:01, JST)
Before and on March 31 (Mon.), 2025 (17:00, JST)
2025年1月6日(月), 1月31日(金)15:01(日本時間)以降
2025年3月31日(月) 17:00(日本時間)以前
50% of registration fee
On and after March 31 (Mon.), 2025 (17:01, JST)
2025年3月31日(月) 17:01(日本時間)以降
No Refund

Refunds will be subject to a refund handling fee of JPY 5,000.

Please confirm the registered details on the following page before completion.